The greatest love of my ancestors seems to be their love for the Lord and his teachings. They made tremendous sacrifices for their beliefs and their hardships were combersome and heavy, but they left wonderful legacies and splendid examples for those who followed. It's easy to feel ashamed in our spoiled lives when we forget what went before, especially when we are feeling as if we should have more. We have already been given priceless treasures by our ancestors because we have everything we need now, due to their sacrifices. And I'm not just talking about material needs; I mean spiritual, strength-building, bone-deep, gut-wrenching and tough moral fiber. You inherited that too. Just read your family histories.
Their love reaches out to touch our lives even now when we read about the baby that fell out the back of the wagon traveling along a bumpy road in the mid-west. How two little girls who fell behind the company picking wild flowers, came upon the child, wrapped tightly in a blanket, still asleep, lying in the middle of the road, while the wagon train had moved on down the trail. And we are told that the baby was our great-great-great grandfather.
I hope everyone will write their "Love" story for their progenitors and bind it with all the others for many to read. These stories will give strength and meaning and purpose to the readers.
©2012 Linda Gatewood
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