Monday, January 28, 2013

January - the month of dreams and plans

In Idaho, time stands still in January and gives us a moment to pause and wish.  We pause to rest from the holidays past.  The Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Years that rushed by and pushed us ever forward towards the next activity, the next gathering, the next party, until it all stopped on January first.  The snow began to fall faster, the cold locked its doors, the silence of white-blanketed fields and hillsides covered us in peace. And we paused…
January crawls by slowly, forcing us to slow down and remember what life is really about; brief moments for the quiet visit, the empty rooms, the constant of our own company within the quiet of our minds; a time to reminisce, to remember what is past and make peace before moving on.  It is a time to renew and regroup for the year ahead with new strength and determination. The time to enjoy the beauty winter brings when boughs are covered in white fluff, weighed down with brilliant ice and the abundant fields are untrammeled, tempting us to play.  It is a time to long for spring and, most of all, a time for wishing…
We wish for the spent summer, when trees were green and winds were warm, when roads were clear of snow and ice, when the sun shown every day and kissed our body with its joy. We long for the freedom of the soft breeze and the delicious scent of roses. And in our longing, we rejoice with appreciation for what is past and anticipate what looms ahead because we know what is coming, what will be here shortly.   January becomes the month of dreams and plans for the future, the most important month of the year.

©2013 Linda Gatewood

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