Monday, July 28, 2014

If you want to write, you should...

Ever since you were a child, have you always liked to write things down, for instance, events in your life, struggles with everyday things, your feelings about the world around you? Were you a person who kept a diary when young, and later, a journal? Was writing always a part of your life? If so, you might be ready to take the next step and share your inner thoughts with those around you, thoughts that may influence them in unexpected ways. You might be ready to write an article or a short story or even a book.
Writing a single book or a saga that comprises a collection of several books might seem foolhardy for a beginner, and yet, what better opportunity to increase the formidable provocation of triumph that can dance in front of ambition and propel you forward. If you set your standards high, you might achieve the most.
When you write fiction, you control the flow of the narrative and dictate the outcome. You learn to love the challenge of script and the constant test to form a correct sentence or paragraph. To voice an opinion inside a story by choosing the right words, and hide a moral even deeper in the verses grouped across the page, with hope it will blossom within a readers’ subconscious. Weaving a story that captures an audience is extremely satisfying, and will constantly task your mind to try harder, dig deeper, go further and search out for the answers that belong. Your imagination can take you anywhere: somewhere peaceful or exciting, exotic or mundane; wherever you want to go, and taking others with you is the ultimate adventure.
When you write non-fiction, especially a personal biography, you control the flow of your own life and dictate the outcome of your very own real story, a story that began when you were born and waits to be written. Your personal opinions and depths of feelings are shared to inspire others and touch their lives. The offer burns deep inside your heart and tentatively reaches out attempting to express and say what no other could, like a voice within waiting to be articulated.
Begin to share your ideas and thoughts whenever an opportunity arises. Improve your skills by practice and repetition, delve deep to express what’s in your heart. Writing might be your passion and could bring much happiness to you and others.
My advice to you: If you want to write – you should!
 © 2014 Linda Gatewood

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